Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New on my bookshelf [insta-edition]

Hi! Welcome to the Instagram edition of what's "new on my bookshelf"! 
I only started using Instagram this year, so I'm pretty late on the bandwagon. You can follow me if you like, @arielle.yeap 

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer: I'm currently reading this one, and I only really got it because I heard Christine talking about it and the premise sounded really cool, and then I saw it in Big W and thought may as well just pick this up now. It's about Delilah, an unpopular girl in high school who is kinda obsessed with the prince in this fairy tale book from her school library. So much so, she keeps loaning the book out and constantly rereads it. Then one day, she notices some small changes in the book, and the prince starts talking to her! He wants her to get him OUT. He's stuck in the book, stuck on the pages and worst of all, stuck in a life he constantly has to relive. So far, I'm liking this - it's a pretty light read. The foreword at the beginning, written by Jodi Picoult, is sweet. 

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella: When I first heard Sophie Kinsella (one of my all time favourite authors) was releasing a YA, I was overjoyed. Then I forgot about it, and suddenly, it was well into 2015 and Finding Audrey was out! I got it, took a piccy of it, and now it's pretty much on the very top of my TBR. I really can't wait to read this. I don't even know what it's about and I don't need to because it's Sophie Kinsella and she never disappoints.

The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan: This is the final Percy Jackson & the Olympians book and as you can tell from my insta-rant, I'm quite upset that I didn't buy it earlier. My first encounter with this series and this author was in New York City, at the Strand Bookstore. I had seen The Lightning Thief movie, and knew people were saying good things about the book, so I thought, may as well get it, and the second one too. After I finally started reading the series, I was enraptured and kept buying the subsequent books online, but for some reason I didn't get the last one. I ALWAYS DO THIS! I think it's because when I love a series so much, I don't want it to ever end, so I never prioritise reading the last instalment because it means it's all over. WELL THAT WAS A MISTAKE WASN'T IT. I need to learn from my mistakes. I did it with the Hunger Games series too. It took me 4 years to finish Mockingjay. 

Pretty Honest by Sali Hughes: Now this is not my usual 'new on my bookshelf' kinda book. I don't normally go for non fic. But I am really into skincare and beauty, and I was rec-ed this book from AMR (Ruth Crilly), so it was on my wishlist. My sister gave it to me for my bday and I've been slowly reading this and gaining many a nugget of wisdom from the genius that is Sali Hughes. I love the way she writes, it's not teach-y or too matter-of-fact, rather she speaks candidly about her own experiences and is truthful and wise in a personable way. It's an excellent read for all women, or men who care about their skin (which in my opinion should be all of them). 

I hope you liked this edition of "New on my bookshelf". It was fun doing it a little differently this time. :)


Cass said...

Cute post! <3 :) I love Instagram! I never post bookish things on mine though, sadly (I'm a food and landscape IGer hehe). Hope you like Between the Lines! It's a really cute read!

Unknown said...

Thanks Cass! xx