Sunday, August 23, 2015

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

This is first YA from Sophie Kinsella and it was pretty wonderful. I always have faith in a SK novel to deliver quality writing and characters, and that's what she's done. Finding Audrey was hilarious, hysterical, relatable and real. 

The story is about a girl who's been through an ordeal at school, something intense and bad and inexplicable. It's literally never explained what exactly happened. But it's left Audrey with a pretty awful case of anxiety, so much so that she needs therapy and wears sunglasses 24/7, in order to avoid eye contact with people, even her immediate family. Audrey never leaves the house and spends her days in a dark den with black-out curtains drawn.

It was so easy slipping into Audrey's shoes. Her story is incredibly relatable to me and as I read the book I felt almost UNeasy because I was empathising with Audrey so much. One of the things I loved most about this book is the family dynamic. Audrey has such an awesome family, and her mum provides a lot of the hysteria. Frank, Audrey's big brother, was hilarious and Felix, her baby bro, was so so sooo cute. I love them all so much but not just because of who they are (or how well their characters were written) but because of how they loved each other. 

There's a cute romance that sparks between Audrey and Lionel (Frank's friend). Lionel helps draw Audrey out of her dark place and back into the world. There were so many sweet moments between them, like the note-writing with Felix as their messenger, or when Lionel knew Audrey couldn't manage eye contact so he'd challenge her with things like shoe contact or thumb contact or knee contact. :) 

I'd rec Finding Audrey for anyone who likes Sophie Kinsella, teen reads and laughing, 

Rating: 4 stars

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Heart & the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers

The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers

This book is like a golden nugget. 

I read it the first time, thought it was good, thought it was nice. Read it the second time and though, yeah, it's still pretty good. Then I read it the third time. Wow. OK. For a book with so little words, it sure does pack a punch. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Bookish Fun: A to Z Tag

I wanted to post something a bit more exciting today, something different than my usual new on my bookshelf's or book reviews. So I googled 'fun bookish surveys' and the first result that popped up was one created by The Perpetual Page Turner. If you want to do this too, then I tag YOU! Link me in the comments or on my social media to your post so I can go and check it out :)
On y va.

Author you’ve read the most books from:

Sophie Kinsella, and I think Louise Rennison comes second!

Best Sequel Ever:

You know, I really enjoyed the sequel to Pollyanna, and still remember fond memories from reading it back in my early high school days. 

Currently Reading:

Nothing! I just finished a book yesterday, and I haven't chosen what I'll read next. 

Drink of Choice While Reading:

Tea or water. There's nothing better than water sometimes. Other times, there's nothing better than tea. Rooibos tea, specifically.

E-reader or Physical Book?


Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:

Oooh. Actually, no one springs to mind. Literally. Can't name a soul. Also, I'm thinking about an ideal world, where someone would have actually wanted to date me in high school. 

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:

Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone. Because DOY.

Hidden Gem Book:

A Corner of White by Jaclyn Moriarty